• The Company Who We Are

    MSJ – WOOD SOLUTIONS SA originated in the 1950s with the sawmill business of Manuel da Silva Junior e Filhos.

    Its activity is divided into two main business areas: the sawmill and the manufacture of pallets, among other rough sawn and surfaced wood products. Clients are basically divided into three main business sectors: civil construction, public works and the food and agriculture industry.

    As a future-oriented company, MSJ SA relies on state-of-the-art technology and focuses not only on the capacity, productive efficiency and quality of the finished products, but also on an ambitious human resource policy.

    The company is aware of the current needs and demands; the head office is in Lisbon, and the sawmill in the largest pine forest area in the centre of the country, in Ourém (Rua Principal, 22 / 2490-621 Ourém).

    Taking into account the importance of international trade, in addition to Europe, MSJ SA is also present in Africa (Algeria, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, and Morocco) and is seeking to expand its activity to other countries.



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  • Contacts Where We Are

    MSJ – Wood Solutions

    Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, n.º35 Ed. A1 8th Dto
    1050-118 Lisbon – PORTUGAL
    Tel: (+351) 219 419 179
    Fax: (+351) 213 544 021
    Tlm: (+351) 925 497 340

    Rua Principal nº22, Pinheiro
    2490-621 Ourém – PORTUGAL
    Tel: (+351) 249 549 080
    Fax: (+351) 249 549 081
    Dpto. Comercial: (+351) 925 497 340
    E-mail: geral@msj.pt

    Quinta Sto António, Rua A, Lote 1
    2680-453 Camarate – PORTUGAL


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Wooden Structures
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Capacity and Productive Efficiency

MSJ - Wood Solutions SA

The company originated in the 1950s with the sawmill business of Manuel da Silva Junior e Filhos.
Its activity is divided into two main business areas: the sawmill and the manufacture of pallets, among other rough sawn...
As a future-oriented company, MSJ SA relies on state-of-the-art technology and focuses not only on the capacity...
Taking into account the importance of international trade, in addition to Europe, MSJ SA is also present in Africa...

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